A variety of projects I’ve shot, produced and edited.
A sample of some of my work.
Autism and Genes
A PBS NewsHour segment I shot in Toronto about the search for autism treatments in the genetic code.
Hyperloop Hype
Is Hyperloop the next big thing or all empty hype?
Mural Drone
A drone project on public art in Los Angeles I shot and edited.
Dialect Coach
A news story on training Brits to act in American English.
Shadow Puppet Music Video
A music video produced in China with the Nashville-based singer Abigail Washburn.
Train Wars
An independent documentary project on high speed rail I co-created, shot and edited.
Taste Tripping
A food show I co-created, shot and edited.
Sexy Beijing
An episode of a series I co-created in Beijing China that got millions of views on YouTube.
Tokyo Diary
Behind the scenes with an American Music Producer in Tokyo.
High Speed Rail – NewsHour
A PBS NewsHour report on high speed rail in California developed out of our independent documentary.
A tour of the Sriracha factory
Reel A sample of some of my work.
Autism and Genes A PBS NewsHour segment I shot in Toronto about the search for autism treatments in the genetic code.
Hyperloop Hype Is Hyperloop the next big thing or all empty hype?
Mural Drone A drone project on public art in Los Angeles I shot and edited.
Dialect Coach A news story on training Brits to act in American English.
Shadow Puppet Music Video A music video produced in China with the Nashville-based singer Abigail Washburn.
Train Wars An independent documentary project on high speed rail I co-created, shot and edited.
Taste Tripping A food show I co-created, shot and edited.
Sexy Beijing An episode of a series I co-created in Beijing China that got millions of views on YouTube.
Tokyo Diary Behind the scenes with an American Music Producer in Tokyo.
High Speed Rail – NewsHour A PBS NewsHour report on high speed rail in California developed out of our independent documentary.
Sriracha A tour of the Sriracha factory